Sunday, October 6, 2019

Times Then and Now Reminiscences and Reflections Part-3 (Dr. Y. V. Rao).

Times Then and Now 
Reminiscences and Reflections
                                          Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni NageswaraRao College

Whether to collect things to make your life full or to fill the emptiness of your heart with riches, that is the question; it admits of but one answer not both. While the former is an illusory pursuit, the latter is by far the wisest course.

There are no great men, only great challenges that good men are called  upon by circumstances to meet and become great through their successful achievement.

Vocation, profession and occupation are not synonyms as so many mistake them to be. Vocation is what one cannot but do because of one’s own nature, one’s need to fulfil something deeper in response to an inwardly felt call, one’s interests and dreams, profession is what one chooses to do driven mostly by the pressure of prevailing norms such as financial security, social status and success in life or by the power of reigning fancies while occupation is what one is forced to do for a living by sheer practicality and/or dire necessity.If a vocation is devoid of spontaneity, love and involvement, it becomes a profession which, in turn , degenerates to the level of an occupation when it is divorced from/drained of dedication and commitment ;a dull routine or a burdensome chore performed mechanically is but another name for occupation.
However , that lucky one who knows how to listen to one’s ‘inner voice’ and follow its gentle dictates can make one’s  profession a vocation or vice versa and enjoy the blessings of both.

Everything that you earn in life through honest  labour bears the stamp of yourself, for in earning it, you exchange a part of your life. So, how you use it is important because it is not a mere thing that you use but a precious part of your life.

Quite often, perceptions have little or nothing in common with what they are perceptions of; the perceived may altogether be non existent or redundant. Charlatans and conmen , not excluding politicians, know it better than anyone and they use this knowledge to foul up the lives of people everywhere by playing on their credulity and , more so in countries like ours. The appalling degree of devastation and degradation they inflict on society/wrought by them is to be seen to be believed.

If ever you are lucky to come by a great opportunity to do a great job, don’t rush, make sure that you measure up to the task and then seize the opportunity by the forelocks and prove your mettle by performing to your utmost or perish in the attempt. Either way, you triumph for in great attempts, even to fail is glorious .But  a greater glory lies / victory is in discriminating wisely between what can and cannot be achieved/accomplished and acting accordingly, for even the little things accomplished in a great way lead to great consequences.

There is as much wisdom in choosing the right job as there is in avoiding the wrong one.Little or great the job the job you do is important to you because you exchange a part of your life for it so do every job you do in a great way.

Self sacrificing and self regarding activities, though they appear to be equally efficacious as sources of self gratification, fall into two distinct categories; the former are by far the more meritorious of the two. They act as stepping stones for self abnegation , love , sympathy , charity , compassion and tolerance which constitute the core elements of spiritual discipline for becoming aware of our true nature/ identity. Together with the possibility of realising it by elevating the soul to its supernal plane of eternal bliss, while the latter insidiously feed the ego- the body-mind- intellect complex/personality – to make it so bloated that it becomes eternally bound to the mundane plane with myriad bonds of attachment and aversion by getting caught in a perpetual cycle of births and deaths. However, those that graduate to the stage where they do self-sacrificing acts without ever being aware of their doership as if doing so is like any other unconscious action such as breathing, walking, seeing, sleeping , dreaming or any one of the umpteen other physiological functions and processes that take place automatically are bound to realise the essential identity of their soul with the Brahman “from which all these beings take birth, by which they live after being born, towards which they move and into which they merge”. (Ch. U. III 14-1, Tai. U. III)

A life lived in being all things to all men is at best a grand illusion and at worst a beautiful lie, but a life devoted to doing the handsome thing by the deserving is altogether a different proposition.Only the great and the good do such things.
As a chagrined voice might ask, when are the great and the good in a majority?Never.But it hardly matters for , like the Himalayas, the great and the good are visible even from a distance as so rightly pointed out by Dharma Pada.
Such indeed are the actions that set the great and the good apart from the rest and put/install them on a high pedestal so that others may draw inspiration and emulate them.

Surprising how quickly times change especially when ill winds  are blowing. As recently as two generations ago, it was so easy to pick up a dozen people from any crowd who believed in certain values and who were prepared to lay down their lives  to defend them, whereas nowadays it is hardly possible to come across any such even among the so called elite groups while it is certainly possible to find droves of people who denigrate any and every value without batting an eyelid, not out of conviction but out of fear of being branded as a faddist or a fogey or, worse still, a naive old sod. This being the situation, if wickedness is having a field day, should we look for reasons afar off?

Matter is a gross form of energy and energy that of consciousness.  What is consciousness the gross form of? Does this put paid to the chain of inferences or does it point to further links in the chain? Who but a Jnana yogi knows?

As Mark Twain declares , ‘A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.’ And his own approval he will certainly have when he ensures that his means are as clean as his ends.i.e, when his means are as impeccable as his ends are unquestionable.

Laziness is dangerous. Intellectual laziness? Absolutely devastating, but the devastation wrecked on the proud owner of the intellectual laziness is so insidious and treacherous as to be beyond his grasp. So beware of laziness of any and every variety.

Although the words, learning and earning differ by a mere consonant , the two activities are light years apart in terms of the results they produce.

When expediency becomes the guiding principle of life and instant gratification the goal, dishonesty and hypocrisy come to rule the roost massacring every virtue they encounter on their triumphant march to the inevitable doom.
                                                                                       (To be continued)

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