Monday, February 17, 2020

The delectable and the doable ( Dr. Y. V .Rao)11

The delectable and the doable

                       Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni Nageswara Rao College

We all have kith and kin and near and dear ones of whom we love one or two no less than we love ourselves/lives. Likewise, we all live by certain ethical and moral values and principles of which we love one or two more than we love our lives. If ever we are forced to weigh them in a balance and make a choice , it will be a tragedy of the first magnitude –for those few surviving members of the fast dwindling tribe or species that go by the name of men of integrity.
Sri Rama, being the most outstanding example , torn as he was by the conflicting demands of a conscientious and concerned monarch , on the one hand and a loving and understanding husband on the other , soon after he ascended the throne of Ayodhya as a culmination of the long delayed fulfilment of the hopes and desires of its citizens, and on the very eve of a much awaited unfoldment of their dreams and aspirations in the realm of reality.
  Finally, he was constrained to banish his peerless spouse of sterling character from his palace bowing to the dictates of public opinion, ignorant and ill informed though it was.

B2 -47
Anything in excess is to be avoided like plague , for even such a virtue as gratitude turns into a deadly vice when in excess as when a man tries to be grateful to someone at the cost of his honour and a woman at the cost of her chastity.

We are prone to be swayed by life’s many ups and downs often letting success push us into complacency or failure into despondency , either event foreshadowing our premature exit from the stage of life .What is needed is to keep or values constantly burnished so they may serve as lights/lamps of hope urging us ever onwards and ensure that our sense of direction ever remains unimpaired so we may not deviate from our path by losing sight of our goal, and keep on striving until we attain it(till we reach it)

We seem to be passing through strange, nay, downright crazy times. Some parents, specifically the nouveau rich, that too the male of the species, refer to their sons in anything but deferential terms as if they are talking about the Pope instead of in normal paternal terms as is their prerogative, even in informal casual conversations. Whether they really mean to be so deferential or are only conveying a subtle message that others be as deferential to their sons is a moot point. This phenomenon being more prevalent among parents of sons of marriageable age- eligible bachelors- the needle of suspicion points in most cases to the latter alternative. As against / counterpoised to these are some sons who are so conscious of their newly acquired status and image as to treat their parents , especially if they are of humble origins or lowly attainments or both, as anything but an avoidable nuisance and desist from making any mention of, or reference to them , at all , as if they arose from nowhere like the mythical creatures known as ayonija sambhavahor swayambhuh.
 Is there any need for raised eyebrows if sons of such clever parents turn out to be such weird sons who, with the passage of time , move on to be in the shoes of such queer parents of the next generation reversing their roles, and the theatre of the absurd goes on ad infinatum?
 Can cynicism sink lower or hypocrisy rise higher?

B2 -50
The tragedy of life is while man always wants to see the back of his troubles , they always love to accost him face first with a far greater success rate to their credit than his, and on the few occasions, on which they settle for seeing his back rather than his face , creased with worries, they do so looking over his shoulders and breathing down his neck. Front or back, troubles are troubles and the best and only way to deal with them is to stare them straight in the face and grapple with them head on, and better still , be done with the whole thing once and for all.

B 2-51
I am no less than anyone, who thinks he is great, and no greater than anybody , who thinks he is small, but always consider myself far humbler than he , who is truly great in mind and spirit, and humble in mean and manner.

Ordinarily, truth and falsehood are as distinct as day and night, but in extraordinary times- or are they absurd/anomalous times?—like ours when falsehood uttered loudly enough is believed to be the truth , truth appears to have lost out to untruth. The fact, however , is that truth needs no props like popular belief or public acceptance and acclaim for its survival, for, it is the basis /substratum of all that is including even falsehood.
  The few brave and courageous ones among us have the intrinsic ability to instantly recognize the truth and steadfastly hold on to it while the vast majority is revelling in the quagmire of untruth and falsehood.

B 2-53
Any relationship is meaningful and significant in proportion to the coherence and harmony the two partners bring to bear on it.
  A mature relationship is more a full-fledged dance of quiet joy and ecstasy that the two spontaneously choreograph to lend charm and beauty to each others every movement and carry through with grace and elegance, a visual feast replete with cautiously chiselled postures, fluid movements , rhythmic steps and subtly nuanced expressions than a mere tango or samba , the gentle and joyous dance forms comprising rhythmic and fluid movements that the two do consciously gliding past the possibility of mutual hurt due to treading of each others toes or a whirling waltz the two perform in gay abandon in an ambience of joie de vivre unmindful of the consequences of tripping over each other as they have a gala time with spirits touching new highs or even the jiving and jigging of the rollicking pairs of the young and the pretty , the guys n gals, to the tunes of popular hits or chart busters being belted out by their favourite singers as part of the entertaining fare presented to the fun loving audience which usually laps up every bit of each such presentation as the most pleasing musical experience in pubs filled with billowing smoke rings.

Truth has unexpected ways of asserting itself in totally unexpected places when it is least expected. Trying to play with truth is like playing with fire- a foolish misadventure fraught with catastrophic consequences. So , how much more natural and wiser will/would it be to walk always in the shadow of truth rather than trying to shove truth into our shadow, however long and dark it be?

There is nothing like a perfect solution to any problem in life, for if anything is perfect it brooks no problem at all. So we have to make do with good pragmatic solutions or at best, those that are tinged with excellence in actual practice. However, what appears to be an excellent solution in a certain context can easily turn into an intractable problem in a different situation/context. This happens all the time as revealed by even a wee bit of reflexion.
  One who waits for perfect solutions, instead of moving ahead with the best available under the circumstances is condemned to live a life of futility groaning under the weight of unsolved problems.

Freedom of speech is precious but speech is free and talk cheap unless you are a liar.

“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.” – Mahatma Gandhi
There are far too many things going wrong in this country at the moment. I don’t like many of them, I positively detest some and I abhor a few. However, that is not reason enough for me not to like this blessed country of ours. So I like it, not only like it but actually love it in spite of everything as I have always done, for I am a congenital/ compulsive lover of this noble land.
  Things go wrong and they can always be set right and set right they certainly will be sooner than later. Then I can’t travel back all that distance in time and wash my psyche of its sin of disliking my mother land now, that too for the inadequacies and indiscretions of my fellow-beings, if at all , I dislike it now or ever.
More fundamentally , I was born in this country , I have lived most part of my life here, drawn my sustenance from its soil, deduced my value system from the study of its epics and philosophy, formulated my world view on the basis of its culture, heritage and civilization, shaped my character and individuality from my knowledge of its heroes and fashioned my personality from my interaction with its many good souls, found the seeds of my spiritual aspiration in the fields and parks, forests and orchards, hills and dales and groves and gardens of its ancient wisdom, and derived solace from the fruits and flowers there of as also from the many spiritual insights and truths about the ultimate reality revealed by its saints and sears of the more recent times while at no time denying myself the privilege and pleasure of wafting in the elevating breeze of enlightenment gently blowing through every window and door of my humble abode from all climes and times. In short, I am what I am because I am Indian. With such huge debt to be redeemed, how can I turn my back on India and disown my Indianness even if the prospects of settling down in other lands are far too tempting to resist and the opportunities far too alluring to ignore and still be myself?
If anyone born, nurtured and groomed to be someone here allows himself to be swept off his feet by the gales of material prosperity and affluence of other lands, and commits the further foul mistake of disowning his Indianness , I feel pity for the ungrateful wretch. Needless to say, I detest the cur who not only disowns India but also despises everything Indian, and worse still, displays his contempt as if it’s a badge of modernity and honour in season and out of season.
  I only know how to keep on doing my bit to ameliorate the present conditions in the society around me and the country in general, and I do it gladly and unreservedly not in return for what I get but because of what I am- an Indian first , an Indian second and a world citizen next.
  Yet, to be honest, I must confess that I too despair over certain goings on in our country, even as I love her, adore her and pride myself on being her son.

If one refrains from retaliating a rude remark, slight or insult in the same coin out of compulsions of the moment like fear of losing one’s present advantages or future gains, it is nothing more nor less than an act of quid pro quo or a commercial decision; to do so out of conviction born of higher human values and principles that it is the right thing to do is a true mark of one’s superior upbringing and culture.
However, it is not unoften that deliberate attempts are made to palm of commerce as culture.

If one had raised one’s children with due care and concern in an environment of lived values and principles imbued with love and understanding and illumined by knowledge and wisdom, they should naturally ‘be learned and pious and would repay to one’s age what their childhood had received.’(Dr Johnson)
  If they are otherwise one must look within for possible reasons and causes instead of rushing to fault them.

 Middle age is that vantage period in life that gives one the dual advantage of the power of perception of the glimmer of youth’s bright vivifying radiance on one side and the quiet glow of the illuminating brilliance of the wisdom of age on the other. The knowledge , maturity and discernment accruing from the later and the power , courage and strength flowing from the former complement and reinforce each other , and together make it the ideal stage of life for the realization of Henri Etienne’s fond hope and sweet dream : “If only youth knew , if only age could.”

Life is not only the few seemingly important decisions we take and things we accomplish but the millions of small and apparently insignificant things we do, and all those joys as well as careworn moments we share with our loved ones. To think that the question of choice arises only in important matters while the rest does not matter is basically wrong and patently absurd , for life being essentially an integral whole brooks no such compartmentalization, and every transaction we make in life , irrespective of its nature, has its own significance and relevance in it. Those that mistake the few important things for life itself are like generals who concentrate the best part of their military might, strategic wisdom and martial skills in fighting a few select battles leaving the war to be waged by the lieutenants. It is no doubt important to win a battle but more important is to win the war, even if a few battles are lost, for a war is waged on many a battle field, big and small , involving successes and failures, which together decide the ultimate victory or defeat in war. To be mindful of a few important engagements in select theaters of war rather than the whole war is to mistake the part for the whole- an absurd stance with all its attendant calamitous consequences. Just so should life be lived whole , not some select parts of it. Even though the contrary appears from the point of view of efficiency to be a good tactical move, it is in fact a bad strategic step/blunder. For, at times, an innocuous word , a casual gesture, an innocent deed or an inadvertent silence, ours or our partner’s, pertaining to those aspects of life that are relegated to the less important category and hence given less attention may lead to unforeseen consequences that change the whole course of our life in undreamt of ways.
  None can ever afford to take anything for granted in life with impunity for one should live life as an impeccable warrior, ever alert and always ready to defend oneself and one’s cause, steadily moving towards one’s cherished goal.    


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