Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Reason vs Faith -2 (Dr. Y. V. Rao)

Reason vs Faith -2
                                                                       Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni Nageswara Rao College

  Actually, in 1975, as many as 186 leading scientists including 19 Nobel Laureates debunked astrology, “the illegitimate daughter of astronomy” (Johan Keppler) as hogwash contributing to the growth of irrationalism, superstition and obscurantism. Even Gautama, the Buddha, warned more than two and a half millennia ago that “star-gazing and astrology, forecasting lucky and unlucky events by signs , prognosticating good and evil, all these are things forbidden” and Swami Vivekananda in recent times described ‘astrology and all those mystical things as signs of a weak mind’.
  No doubt credulity is the fertile ground for astrology to flourish where as concrete facts of human experience constitute the firm foundation for rationality. But there are so many aspects of life, in fact vast tracts of it, that cannot be reduced to and packaged into concrete facts and on all such hard rocks in the ocean of reality, the ship of rationality flounders and finally becomes immobilized.

  If only we pause for a moment and ponder over all the things that we normally do and all the people we usually meet with right from the moment of our getting up from bed to the moment of our going to bed, on any typical day we realize what an insignificant role rationality plays in our day-to-day life. For instance, why we like doing certain things and not others, and why we are comfortable dealing with certain people and not others are matters not of the intellect but of the heart and hence beyond rational explanation. The most that we may come up with by way on (non) explanation is that we feel like doing those things and relating to those people and not others . Can we be sure of doing the same things and savouring the company of the same people over again is a question that must, of necessity, remain unanswered until after the actual doings and meetings have taken place. Likewise, the way we dress and the way we design and decorate our homes and offices , what we prefer to eat, what we opt to read, which memories we dwell on or cherish, which values we hold dear, which qualities we admire , what games we play, what films we watch , what music we appreciate/enjoy, the places we visit, the activities we patronize and promote, the ideas we find diverting , the issues we care about, the dreams that we dare to dream, the deeds we care to accomplish/do, the causes we identify ourselves with, the institutions we patronize, the prospects we shy away from, the beauty spots we frequent, the jokes we crack, the treats we long for and the heroes we fall for, our favourite hobbies and our artistic interests and aesthetic choices and countless other preferences and prejudices of ours are all matters of taste having little or nothing to do with rationality.

  And for that matter, none of the characteristically human attributes like compassion, hope , charity, love, sympathy, goodness, aesthetic sensibility, creativity, warmth , affection and happiness as also their negative counterparts can be measured and assigned definite numbers to suit the needs of rational analysis. These abstract attributes continue to defy precise description, accurate quantification and reliable prediction that are intrinsic to rational analysis and study.
  Thus almost all qualitative attributes of life will have to remain for ever outside the pale of rationality which, by its very nature, can adequately grapple with only such facts of human experience as can be concretized and reduced to definite quantitative entities and expressed as numbers to accord with Lord Kelvin’s dictum: “ To measure is to know”. In other words, it doesn’t concern itself with the value of things but prefers to deal exclusively with the price of things as it were and such other quantitative properties which can be measured and numbered.

  Rationality , no doubt, offers ideal solutions fro a rational world, but the none- too-perfect real world is so closely tied to emotion that logic does not always prevail and hence, what are needed are not ideal solutions but practical solutions to real world problems. Just think of all the occasions on which we tend to be critical without any sustainable logic or supportive facts. Reason must necessarily reign but always under the suzerainty of wisdom in the real world.
  Therefore to the extent the rationalists rely on their mental prowess and intellectual acumen to the total exclusion of the illuminating intimations of intuition and the balancing role of the heart , to that extent their explorations of the world remain superficial and their understanding of life and its purposes incomplete.
  Professional intellectuals labouring under the tyranny of reason, perhaps were the ones that Mahatma Gandhi had in mind when we observed: “ Rationalists are admirable beings ; rationalism is a hideous monster when it claims for itself omnipotence. Attribution of omnipotence to reason is as bad a piece of idolatry as is the worship of stones believing them to be God. I do not plead for the suppression of reason but for the recognition of ‘That’ in us which sanctifies reason”. “Emphasizing the limits of reason “, he added “The heart accepts a conclusion for which the intellect subsequently finds the reasoning. Argument follows conviction. Man often finds reason in support of whatever he does or wants to do”.
  Isaac Asimov, the most prolific author and world’s preeminent populariser of science with a view to dispelling the smugness and complacency of the people about the omnipotence of science wrote : “ My own candidate for the title of (mankind’s)Dangerous Delusion No 1 is ‘Science can solve everything’. Science CAN’T and that’s the way it is”. What is true of science is equally true of rationality since science is flaunted by the latter as its most visible fruit and acme of its success.
  So need it be said that wise are the ones among rationalists who are mindful of those limitations of rationality and severe ones at that, and resist the temptation of trespassing into the territory beyond , where they are bound to fail as surely as they succeed within.
  If the methods of the rationalists and the astrologers are so distinctly different, their ends are no less so. While intellectual joy of being able to understand and explain reality on the basis of rational thought with a few fringe benefits like fame and a fairly comfortable living on the side is what is aspired for by the former, the latter ‘s purpose appears to be far more mundane; for most, it is making money at the cost of gullible public, the more the naivety of their clients, the greater their earnings, but for a few, its no more than a worthwhile hobby or a favourite pastime to amuse themselves and their friends.
  Thus while rationality is  a small island in the vast ocean of life where its writ runs without let or hindrance, astrology is nothing more than a patch of surf or sea foam with no moorings anywhere. But the trouble with either is their protagonists tend to overzealous to the point of being fanatical about their inviolability and make the most extravagant and, at times, even arrogant claims on their behalf ; the former mistake island for the whole world contemptuously dismissing what lies beyond its narrow confines as of no consequence and extoll its omnipotence in prying open the case hardened shells shielding the secrets of mother nature while the latter lay claim to the ocean of life itself for want of anything substantial than mere foam and start pretending to be omniscient ever at the ready to play God. “Astrology is something divine and the correct interpretation of the horoscope rests on one’s experience and intuitive capacity”, said Dr BV Raman, editor of ‘The Astrological Magazine’ at the 4th All India Astrology Conference, Kanpur on November 14, 1998.
  Thus, they both dogmatically believe and audaciously claim that they hold the keys of the kingdom of knowledge and are always on the alert to explain away their failures by putting the blame on the inadequacy of data or inaccuracy of particular parameters or as a last resort, putting them down to a want of interpretative skill on the part of the person concerned.
  Now, one last claim often made by either but which is as hollow and devoid of substance as it is boastful. The astrologers assertion that the predictions made by a competent astrologer are always correct is but a kind of catch 22 situation for the competent astrologer, by definition is one most or all of who’s predictions turn out to be correct, just as the rationalists claim that rationality explains every worth while phenomenon , event or occurrence, the latter being defined as that which can be comprehended with in the framework of reasoning, is. They thus cleverly put their interlocutors in a heads- I- win- tails- you- lose bind / predicament and think that they have effectively fortified themselves against the attacks of others as well as those of each against the other.
  But unfortunately for them, there are far too many astrological predictions that go wrong and far too many phenomena that defy understanding on a rational basis. Yet, the never-say-die astrologers and the no-nonsense-rationalists continue to remain/ride on their high horses , nonchalantly explaining away their setbacks, the former by citing the incompetence of their brother astrologers and the latter by dismissing any and every phenomenon that proves a hard nut to crack as a thing of no consequence and hence, unworthy of their rational endeavours instead of indulging in a bit of honest self introspection and facing upto the emergent truth of / about the respective hobby horses or pet pursuits.
  However, when the ocean is in fury and the island gets inundated overwhelming both perhaps then, they realize the folly of trying to contain the uncontainable , know the unknowable, predict the unpredictable, grasp the ungraspable and limit the unlimited , the infinite that is life.
  They may make a living by means of their pet pursuits but can never make it to the far side of life , an elusive enigma , an enticing mirage , an ever receding horizon and an enchanting rainbow, forever beckoning to us.
  Life being largely non rational or super rational and hence unpredictable, rationality and astrology both continue to thrive with neither being starved of its share /quota of adherence or degree of popularity –the former busy picking up a pebble here and a pearl there from the ocean front and the latter preoccupied with presenting ageless and evergreen dreams wrapped in ever newer packages.

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