Thursday, December 12, 2019

To jump over or to go round? (Dr.Y.V.Rao)

Stray thoughts of Dr. Y. V. Rao -5
                                                                                                    Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni Nageswara Rao College
B 2-8
                             To jump over or to go round?

As a rule, life is conflict ridden and as such we are apt to be up against seemingly irreconcilable choices every now and then . To make a choice in haste and repent at leisure is the easier and more usual and common place alternative, but to be able to recognize all the irreconcilable antagonisms that make our life “so enigmatic , so burdensome, so fascinating, so dangerous, so full of hope and dreams” and to work out a smooth and harmonious reconciliation between, and integration of the opposites is the other and, far and away, the better alternative, though a somewhat laborious and often times frustratingly time consuming one. However, it is necessary to remind oneself of the delicate balance one has to strike in order to achieve such integration. It is somewhat akin to the grip with which a tigress holds its new/just born cub in its mouth while lifting it avoiding any injury to it either through the very act of holding it or by accidentally dropping it; the grip should be gentle enough not to hurt the cub and firm enough not to drop it. Extraordinary vigilance and one pointed concentration are what are needed to accomplish the task.
  All in all, it is at once the ideal and the practical approach to life’s myriad contradictions lesser mortals however will invariably succumb to the temptation to jump over for they find it too irresistible to overcome only to discover to their utter chagrin that the cost involved is far too steep for them to pay.
  Need it be said that it is wiser to go slowly and reach the right destination than to go at great speed to the wrong one? Besides, the longer way round may sometimes prove quicker than direct assault and yield longer lasting and more beneficial results.
  What is more, harmony works better than conflict always and everywhere.
 Most men are like ice bergs, with only their tips above the ocean surface. The overwhelming bulk underneath constantly tugs at each to drag him down to lower and lower levels , and most accept it as inevitable and succumb to the downward pull. A few are individuals however succeed in buoying themselves up and keep themselves wholly above the surface with no thought about, nor concern for what others view and zealously guard as purely personal and strictly private domain of life as if to show/ prove that dissent into depths after all is not that inevitable and that the power to pull oneself up lies hidden in everyone, ready to be tapped/harnessed. Their life is their message. They are the ‘salt of the earth’.
An expert consultant is one who readily sees a problem where there exists none and as readily comes up with a solution and removes any doubt in your mind by presenting you with a hefty bill for the services rendered.
Lovers love and respect each other as long as they remain (as) lovers. Every moment of their togetherness brings oodles of joy and happiness. Life appears to be a great fete to be celebrated and rejoiced. To them, everything is hunky dory. Riding as they do on the crest of a romantic wave, “even life in a shack seems like paradise”. What they ignore is the fact that it will be so until the first frost sets in. Once they decide to tie the knot, take the plunge and are united in marriage, the first flush of romance subsides as they get to know each other , warts and all. Boredom and discordance set in as the lovey-dovey phase draws to a close. Familiarity begins to breed contempt and soon their rainbow relationship will be drained of its colour and charm – a normal process that leads to a lot of worry, weariness and weeping over the lost horizon. However, as the couple travel together taking tough decisions, making painful compromises and shedding acquired obduracies, life, that demanding teacher and hard task master, both disciplines and teaches them how to look inwards and reach for the hidden treasures/ resources waiting to be tapped. And as their understanding of the deeper layers of life grows and intimacy advances, their relationship acquires a greater substance and assumes a newer significance as reflected in their being lost in each other as a matter of course every so often. But as the euphoria and zeal and energy of youth are replaced by the maturity and mellowness of advancing age, their relationship will be broadened and deepened so as to make it possible for them to outgrow their yearning for , and transcend the transient pleasures of, youthful dalliance and infatuation appropriate to age but usually mistaken for love. Occasional introspection, that prime requirement for a balanced relationship and a blissful marital life subdues the urge for making undue demands on/for each other’s attention and obviates the need for taming each other by making them reflect if they are totally right in every respect and are not fallible like others after all.
  Somewhere along the way, the spouses get promoted as parents. Their life acquires a newer dimension and the saga of their lives starts unfolding on a higher plane. They speak of simple things of loving, caring and sharing.
  They then begin to seek the more permanent joys of life—the joys of giving rather than getting, of sharing rather than holding and of giving up rather than clinging to. Each vies with the other in subordinating his/her needs to facilitate the gratification of the other’s desires , even whims and fancies, and the two together bend over backwards to satisfy every wish of their offspring. In this unconscious race for the sublime fulfilment of their lives as ideal life partners , each loses his/her self identity in their quintessential togetherness with no thought for any reward other than the simple joys of a sharing-and- giving relationship that marks them out as an exemplary couple. While they thus advance further in age and maturity , and reach their sunset years  when the once fiercely blazing coals of passionate desires are reduced to smouldering embers, when the raging craze for carnal pleasures yields place to fading memories , they find enough leisure to mull over their life together and discover that they not only walk one path but also think identical thoughts , speak the same language , dream similar dreams, enjoy the same things, harbour common interests and work towards concurrent goals.
  As their relationship thus moves in a constructive direction leading to greater coherence, harmony, equilibrium and integrity in their life, true love , love as distinct from possessiveness, love that needs no reason blossoms and permeates every facet of their lives. What is more, it imbues and informs all their other relationships with a  deeper meaning and a profounder significance, and under the benevolent impact of such love without ownership, the lovers transformation into husband-father and wife-mother progresses steadily culminating in their becoming two good emotionally and spiritually evolved human beings, consummated in their sublime union where in each is lost to him/herself with austerity , altruism and serenity writ large on their faces, indeed these become their hallmarks.
  That I am too rich to borrow and too poor to lend makes it so much the easier for me to live by the sage to counsel of the Bard of Avon—“Neither a lender nor a borrower be”.
  Yet, at the same time, wisdom born of experience reminds me that I am not so rich as not to need to cut down on my needs nor too poor to give to a good cause; there is ample scope for both.

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