Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Stray thoughts of Dr.Y.V.Rao-5

  Stray thoughts of Dr.Y.V.Rao -5
                                                                                         Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni Nageswara Rao College

B2- 14 (B1 -112)
People given to the demonic pursuit of fame drive themselves to such odd extents as to make themselves total strangers to such common human endowments and attributes as modesty, humility and shame on the one hand, and dignity, decency and decorum on the other, all the while remaining oblivious to/of the simple fact that fame pursues those that shun it and shuns/eludes those that pursue /seek it, and end up as ‘self advertising asses’.

 Just as, for a child, school and home are miniature worlds where things more important than knowledge are learnt, so is for an adult the world a great school where teaching-learning activity is a perennial process, all as teachers teaching and as learners learning how to forge human relations, understand moods and motivations, surmount life’s many problems and conflicts, and overcome senseless sorrow and suffering.  For after all, in order for a person to understand his relationship with others and to be spared from painful surprises, he has first to understand the world of each of them and then his place in it.

B2-16 (B5- 7)
Self-discipline is the ability to substitute conscious reasoning for unconscious motivations driven mostly by primal instincts and primitive emotions, and willing submission to the dictates of reason tempered with compassion in ordering one’s life.

A man is what he knows, what he thinks, what he does and what his words leave unsaid.

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