Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Dr. Durga Prasada Rao Chilakamarthi

Unit-1                               एव = only, as you like , even so , indeed,    exactly, ,still, just, also

Some examples:
n      अहं क्षीरम् एव पिबामि काफीं न पिबामि =   I drink milk only I don’t drink coffee.
n      स: एव गच्छति सा न गच्छति= He alone is going she is not going.
n      धर्म: एव रक्षति न अन्य: = Dharma alone protects nothing else.
n      इदं पुस्तकं गोविन्दस्य एव न अन्यस्य = This book belongs to Govinda only but not to anybody else
n      मम लेखनी गृहे एव अस्ति अन्यत्र नास्ति= My pen is in my house only nowhere else.
n      भवान् ग्रन्थालये एव तिष्ठतु अन्यत्र मा गच्छतु = You stay in the library only do not go anywhere
n      दोष: मम एव न भवत: = The fault is indeed  mine not yours.

Unit-2.                 इति This much / thus /end / conclusion

  Note:-      The word इति is normally used when the actual words of a speaker quoted in writing.

Some examples:

n      सत्यमेव जयते इति वेद: वदति ||
n      भवान् श्रद्धया पठतु इति अध्यापक: उक्तवान् ||
n      योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् इति श्रीकृष्ण: उक्तवान् ||
n      Freedom is my birth right”  इति बालगङ्गाधरतिलक् महोदय: उक्तवान् ||
n      Do or die” इति महात्मा गान्धी महोदय: घोषितवान् ||
n      अद्य भोजनं माsस्तु इति वैद्य: उक्तवान् ||
n        अहं क्षीरम् एव पिबामि   इत्यहमुक्तवान्  ||
n        वैद्यो नारायणो  हरि: इति भवान् यद्वदति तत्सत्यमेव  ||

n      Unit-3                 अस्मि = I am /  I become.

Some examples:
n       अहं अध्यापक: अस्मि = I am a teacher
n      अहं गायक: अस्मि = I am a singer
n      अहं नर्तकी अस्मिI am a dancer
n      अहं वित्तकोशे अधिकारी अस्मि = I am an officer in a bank
n      अहं देशभक्त: अस्मि = I am a patriot

n      Unit-4                          यदि---तर्हि  = If... Then, whether, provided etc

    Some examples:
n      यदि बुभुक्षा अस्ति तर्हि अन्नं खादतु = If you are hungry you eat food.
n      यदि समय: अस्ति तर्हि मम गृहं आगच्छतु=  If you have time then come to my house.
n      यदि पुस्तकस्य मूल्यं स्वल्पम् अस्ति तर्हि क्रेष्यामि = If  the price of the book is low then I shall purchase
n      यदि धनं नास्ति तर्हि अन्नं ददातु = If you dont have money give me food.

n      Unit 5                         यथा तथा
           यथा (In the manner which ) —तथा (In a suitable way)    according to;  in any way; in what ever manner; however; according as; to what ever extent 

Some examples:

n      यथा राजा तथा प्रजा: = The people are like the king.
n      राजकीयनायक: यथा वदति तथा न करोति = A politician does not act as he speaks or promises.
n      यथा दीप: तथा प्रकाश: = The light is according to the lamp.
n       मम मित्रं यथा मधुरं गायति तथा अहं न गायामि= I can not sing as sweetly as my friend sings.
n      स: यथा मातृभाषां वेगेन वदति तथा एव अन्यभाषामपि वदति = He speaks other-tongue also fluently as he speaks fluently his mother-tongue. 

श्वा यदि दंशति मनुजान्
न ते जना: तं प्रतिदशन्ति
यद्याक्रोशति नीच:
सज्जन: तं न वदति किञ्चित्
Shvaa yadi daMshati manujaan
Na te janaah taM prtaidashanti
Yadyaakroshati neechah
SajjanastaM na vadati kinchit: 

If a dog bites human beings, they will not in turn bite the dog. Similarly, if a man of low profile cried at a good person, the good person will never speak any thing against him in retaliation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Dr. Durga Prasada Rao Chilakamarthi

भविष्यत्काल: Future Tense

 (स:) पठिष्यति -   ( तौ ) पठिष्यत: -  (ते) पठिष्यन्ति
(त्वम्) पठिष्यसि -   (युवाम् ) पठिष्यथ: - (यूयम् ) पठिष्यथ
(अहम्) पठिष्यामि- (आवाम्) पठिष्याव:   - (वयम्) पठिष्याम:

    भविष्यत्काल: Future Tense III person singular, dual and plural
(स:)  पठिष्यति = He will read     
(तौ) पठिष्यत: = They two will read 
(ते)   पठिष्यन्ति= They all will read
भविष्यत्काल: Future Tense II person singular, dual and plural
(त्वम्)    पठिष्यसि= You will read
(युवाम् ) पठिष्यथ:= You two will read
(यूयम् )  पठिष्यथ= You all will read
भविष्यत्काल: Future Tense I person singular-dual and plural
    (अहम्)   पठिष्यामि= I will read 
(आवाम्) पठिष्याव:= We two will read
(वयम्)   पठिष्याम: = We all will read.

Construct sentences using the verbal forms given under.

Singular number                        plural number        

स:/सा                                   ता:
     बालक:                                 बलाका:
बालिका                                बालिका:
भवान्-                                 भवन्त:
भवती                                 भवत्य: 
   /I\                                                        /|\
1.पठिष्यति                               पठिष्यन्ति
2.लेखिष्यलि                             लेखिष्यन्ति
3.क्रीडिष्यति-                             क्रीडिष्यन्ति
4. द्रक्ष्यति                               द्रक्ष्यन्ति
5. दर्शयिष्यति                            दर्शयिष्यन्ति
6. वदिष्यति                              वदिष्यन्ति
7. गमिष्यति                              गमिष्यन्ति
8 पास्यति                                पास्यन्ति
9. पाययिष्यति-                                     पाययिष्यन्ति
10. नर्तिष्यति                              नर्तिष्यन्ति
11. गास्यति                               गास्यन्ति
12.प्रक्ष्यति                                 प्रक्ष्यन्ति
13.नेष्यति                                 नेष्यन्ति
14. आनेष्यति                             आनेष्यन्ति
 15. पोषयिष्यति                         पोषयिष्यन्ति
`16. मापयिष्यति                          मापयिष्यन्ति
17. तोलयिष्यति                           तोलयिष्यन्ति
18. ज्ञापयिष्यति                           ज्ञापयिष्यन्ति
19. प्रक्षालयिष्यति                         प्रक्षालयिष्यन्ति
20. करिष्यति                             करिष्यन्ति
21.  दास्यति                              दास्यन्ति
22. पूजयिष्यति                            पूजयिष्यन्ति

n      Translate the following sentences in Sanskrit.

1. A boy will read a book  
2. A girl will write a letter.
3. His father will bring books
4. My mother will go to temple and pray to God.
5. We go to the library and bring books.
6. They will go home and drink milk
7. I and my sister will eat food.
8. Teacher will take the students to library.
9. My father and mother will come to my school.
10. I shall go home and eat food.

Unit 2                                    च  = and /also/ more over/ for/but etc.,  

n      राम: वनं गतवान्  सीता गतवती || Rama went to forest Sita also went.
n      स: संस्कृतं न केवलं वदति लिखति = He not only speaks Sanskrit but also writes.
 स: न केवलं पठति किन्तु पाठयति   = He not only reads , he teaches also.
सा  क्षीरं तक्रम् विक्रीणाति = she sells milk and butter milk also.

n      Unit-3                                   संबोधनम् (Vocative case)

n      This is called vocative case. When we address some person, we use this case.
n      पुत्र:------------हे पुत्र !      हेपुत्रौ!               हे पुत्रा:
n      कवि:----------हे कवे!       हे कवी             हे कवय:
n      भानु: ----------हे भानो    हे भानू                हे  भानव:
n      महिला ------हे महिले    हे महिले                         हे महिला :
n      पुत्री--- हे  पुत्रि:   हे पुत्र्यौ:  हे पुत्र्य:
n      मित्रम् --- हे मित्र ! -- हे मित्रे -- हे मित्राणि
n      We can add भो---अयि in the place of हे
n      Example:-- भो पुत्र---अयि पुत्र  etc.

n      Unit-4                           अत: (ataha) = as / because / that is why/so/so that

मम बुभुक्षा नास्ति अत: अन्नं न खादामि = I don’t take food as I am not hungry.
दीप : नास्ति अत: स: न पठति
There is no light that is why he is not reading.
अद्य कळाशालाया: विराम: अत: सा चलनचित्रं पश्यति = There is holiday for college so she viewing cinema.


एकाकी  जायते जन्तु:  एकाकी म्रियते तथा |
स्वेनैव ह्यनुभूयेते  स्वकृते सुकृतदुष्कृते || ( Author: Dr. Dhulipala Arka Somayaji)
Ekaakee jaayate jantuh
Ekaaki mriyate tathaa
Svenaiva hyanubhuyete 
SvakRite sukRita dushkrite

Man or even subhuman life is born alone and dies alone. One has to enjoy ones own good deeds, and one has to reap retribution of ones misdeeds. (translated by the Author)