Thursday, March 3, 2016


Dr. Durga Prasada Rao Chilakamarthi

                                 पुरत: (puratah) x पृष्ठत: (prishthatah)
                                 वामत: (vaamatah) x दक्षिणत: (dakshiNatah)
                                 उपरि (upari)          x   अध: (adhah)

     1. पुरत:  = before/ facing/ In front (of)
2. पृष्ठत: = Behind
3. वामत: = Left side
4. दक्षिणत:= Right side
5. उपरि = above/over/ upon / on
     6. अध: = down / down ward /below / under 
      1.  गृहस्य पुरत: देवालय: अस्ति = A temple is in front of the house.
2.  गृहस्य पृष्ठत:ग्रन्थालय: अस्ति = A library is behind the house.
3. गृहस्य वामत: व्यायामशाला अस्ति = A gymnasium is on the left side of the house
 4. गृहस्य दक्षिणत: पाठशाला अस्ति = A school is on the right side of the house.
5. .गृहस्य उपरि कार्यालय: अस्ति = An Office is on the house.
1.      गृहस्य अध: जलागार:  अस्ति = A sump is under (beneath) the house.

Assignment : -- You stand before the Sun and describe your own  surroundings in Sanskrit using the above words.

                                              इत: -- तत: -- कुत:?

1. इत: ( itah) --   From here/hither
2. तत:  (tatah)--   From there
3. कुत: ? (kutah) -- From where
4.  इत: तत: (Iata: tata:) = to and fro / hither and thither
1. अहम् इत: गच्छामि ( aham itah gacchaami)= I go from here
2. स: तत: आगच्छति (saha tatah aagacchati) = He comes from there
3.      गङ्गा कुत: प्रवहति? (Gangaa kutah pravahati?)= From where does the river Ganges flow?
4.      शुनक: आहारार्थं इत: तत: परिभ्रमति = A dog is roaming hither and thither for food.
Assignment:- speak to your friend using the above words 
शीघ्रम् (seeghram) x मन्दम् (mandam)

शीघ्रम् (Quickly) x मन्दम् (slowly)

1.      अश्व: शीघ्रं चलति= Horse moves Quickly
2.      गज: मन्दं चलति= Elephant moves slowly.
3.      बालक: शीघ्रं धावति (  A boy runs Quickly)
4.      वृद्ध: मन्दं धावति ( An old man runs slowly)
Assignment:- compose sentences at your own choice with different verbs using the above words.

उच्चै: x शनैः

     उच्चै: (ucchaih) Aloud / loudly  x शनैः (sanaih) slowly/softly/gradually
1.      पिता उच्चै: वदति = Father speaks loudly
2.      माता शनै: वदति = Mother speaks slowly.
3. महिला उच्चै: गायति= Woman sings loudly
4. बालिका शनै: गायति= Girl sings softly

कथम् ?( katham?)= How?
   सम्यक् (samyak)= well /alright

1. भवत: आरोग्यं कथम् अस्ति ? = How is your health?
2. मम आरोग्यं सम्यक् अस्ति = My health is well / alright
3. मम आरोग्यं सम्यक् नास्ति = My health is not well         
4. तत् भवनं कथम् अस्ति ? = How is that building?
5.      तत् भवनं सुन्दरम् अस्ति  That building is beautiful
6.      एतत् जलं कथम् अस्ति?   =    How is this water?
7.      एतत् जलं स्वच्छम् अस्ति = This water is pure.


क्षारं जलं  वारिमुच: पिबन्ति
तदेव कृत्वा मधुरं वमन्ति
संतस्तथा  दुर्जनदुर्वचांसि
पीत्वा च सूक्तानि समुद्गिरन्ति

KshaaraM jalaM vaarimuchah pibanti
Tadeva kRitvaa madhuraM vamanti
Santastatha durjanadurvachaaMsi
peetvaa cha yuktaani samudgiranti

Clouds, take salt water, convert it in to sweet and dispose the same to others. Similarly, good people even though receive harsh words from wicked, speak only good words to them. 

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