Wednesday, April 22, 2020

AGE OR YEARS? Sri K.V. Satyanarayana


Sri K.V. Satyanarayana

Late Sri K. V Satyanarayana Garu , was a  Retired Head of the department of Chemistry , A.N.R. College , Gudivada.

What follows is not defiance of nature: it is anti defeatism.

Growing old is not tantamount to growing in competent. In fact , years endow experience and experience enhances expertise , stray Ramanujans not withstanding . And old age is not invariably beset with disability.( It would probably be better to use the term ‘ advanced age’ in place the usual old age.)  It is neither necessary nor proper to wail over advanced age. The notion that old people are yesterday’s vegetables should be eschewed.
Do not be obsessed with the unpalatable idea that as you grow old you automatically grow in firm. So long as you are able to attend to your daily chores with the usual ease and pleasure, do not be disheartened by customary comments or condescending consolation.
The fact that so many years have elapsed since you were born does not automatically imply that you are proportionately getting unfit physically and intellectually. Years do not hamper or hinder capabilities universally or uniformly. Leo Tolstoy learned cycling when he was 70. Bertrand Russell and Churchill –and near home Rajagopalachari and Gandhi Ji – were active physically and brilliant intellectually even in their 80s and 90s. Your tastes and healthy desires need not be jettisoned when you cross the prime of your life.  Socrates, the Greek philosopher, was very fond of music. Having been incarcerated by the Inquisition of his ‘revolutionary’ ideas and preparing for his sure death by consuming hemlock in a few hours, he invited a musician who had been singing soft music from across his confinement and learned the song from him. And at that time he was 71! Aside from such famous personalities, there must be hundreds, thousands of unknown and unsung people who belong in this category.
It would perhaps be better to recon the years that have gone by since your birth rather than pronounce that you are aged so many years – a subtle but sensible difference.
A few eminent writers have confessed that their sound health they enjoy in their 70s and 80s is at least partly due to the fact that they have not only not given up sex completely but savored it like in their    yester years .  To be sure, age undermines the body to some extent- the ticking of the body clock falters but the mind, the intellect, blossoms in inverse proportion. 
And it is the mind , the intellect – that is responsible for the world’s wonders. It is defeatist to be dispirited at irresponsible jibes with derisive undertones vis-a –vis old age. Here are the views of a couple of Indian celebrities on old age:
Tagore :- Do not remind me of my age by celebrating my birthdays.  I refuse to believe that age has any thing to do with my life which knows nothing but the immortal youthfulness in which I am one with my – ‘jeevana datha’ – the God of my life.

And Radhakrishnan :- Youth is not a period of life. . It is a state of mind, a quality of emotions, a temple of the spirit. We do not grow old by living a certain number of years. We grow old if we loose our ideals, if we become immune to change. Years may wrinkle the skin: the soul is wrinkled if we give up love and loyalty.

Whether we are twenty or seventy, we are young as long as we have in our hearts the spirit of wonder, of curiosity. The challenge to life and joy is adventure.  This is the meaning of the saying that we are young as we feel.
To sum up – Do not forget the universal truth that today’s oldsters were yesterday’s youngsters and today’s youngsters will be tomorrow’s oldsters.
And – not all youngsters are geniuses nor all oldsters dunces. Age and achievement do not coexist.

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