Sunday, October 7, 2018

The real secret of success

The real secret of success

Dr. DurgarasadaRao Chilakamarthi

The success of the people of great profile lies in their own strength, effort and will power but not in the weapons they possess and tools they make use of. Even though they seek the help of others, it is of less significance. Let us observe some personalities of our great epics and mythologies by whom great things are achieved with their strength, effort, and will power without depending much upon others. At the very out set, let us observe the greatness of Lord Rama as first example.

The great Lanka is to be conquered. To reach there an ocean has to be crossed only on foot. The enemy who is to be defeated is Ravana, a great demon (Rakshasa) who himself   defeated the three worlds and kept them under control. The army personals are only monkeys who are not enough skilled. But, Rama with his poor equipment could defeat the whole kingdom of Ravana. Surely, success of great people lies in their strength but not in the tools they make use of.

विजेतव्या लङ्का चरणतरणीयो जलनिधि:
                   विपक्ष: पौलस्त्य: रणभुवि सहायाश्च कपय:
                                तथाप्येको राम: सकलमवधीद्रावणकुलम्
                                          क्रियासिद्धि : सत्त्वे वसति महतां नोपकरणे |
   Let us take one more example. Here the Sun God stands as second example. The chariot of the Sun has only one wheel. The horses are seven and they are tied up by serpents. (Here the seven colors are allegorically depicted as seven horses. (The colors are Violet, Indigo, Brown, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red (VIBGYOR). The road is base less. Anura , the charioteer is a lame (thigh less) man. Even with this poor paraphernalia, the Sun covers the whole sky from east to west by travelling from dawn to dusk.  Surely success of great people lies in their own strength but not in the tools they make use of.

रथस्यैकं चक्रं भुजगयमिता: सप्ततुरगा:
             निरालम्बो मार्ग:  चरणरहित: सारथिरपि
                      रविर्गच्छत्यन्तं   प्रतिदिनमपारस्य नभस:
                                 क्रियासिद्धि : सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे |

Let us take one more example. Here Cupid, (Manmatha),  the God of Love stands as third example. The bow of Manmatha , Cupid , the God of love is made of flowers. Swarm is the string of the bow. The fickle looks of ladies are the arrows. Moon, who is an insentient being, is his companion. With this poor paraphernalia,  Manmatha confuses  the three worlds and keeps  them under his control . There fore, it is certain that the success of great people lies only in their strength but not in the tools they possess or make use of.

धनु: पौष्पं  मौर्वी मधुकर मयी चञ्चलदृशां
                दृशां कोणो बाण: सुहृदपि जडात्मा हिमकर:
                              तथाप्येकोsनङ्ग: त्रिभुवमपि व्याकुलयति
                                             क्रियासिद्धि : सत्त्वे वसति महतां नोपकरणे |

Let us take one more example. Here the same Manmatha is taken as the fourth example. The opponent of Manmatha is Lord Siva. His minister the moon is an insentient being. Vasanta , the spring season is his companion . His arrows are tender flowers that to they are five in number. Aravinda, Ashoka, Chuta, Navamallika and Nilotpala are his arrows. His soldiers are women. Even with this poor tools and insignificant paraphernalia, Manmatha is conquering the three worlds. There fore it is said that the success for great people lies only in their strength, effort and will power, but not in the tools they make use of.  

विपक्ष: श्रीकण्ठ: जडतनुरमात्य: शशिधर:
                    वसन्तो सामन्त: कुसुममिषव: सैन्यमबला:
                                   तथापि त्रैलोक्यं जयति मदनो देह रहित: 
                                              क्रियासिद्धि : सत्त्वे वसति महतां नोपकरणे | 

Now let us observe one more example. The sage Agastya stands as the fifth example. Agastya was a great saint. He was born out of a pot. (He deserves to be declared as the first test tube baby of the world). His associates were only animals. He used to put on barks as cloths and lived upon fruits and roots. He was physically very weak. But despite all his insignificant possessions, he protected the whole community of saints by drinking the entire ocean the act of which contributed for the killing of Kaalakeyas ,the  demons who entered in to the ocean after creating a heavy damage to hermits. So, the success of great people lies in their own strength, effort and will power but not in the weapons they possess and tools they make use of.

घटो जन्मस्थानं मृगपरिजन: भूर्जवसन:
             वने वास: कन्दाशनमपि च दु:स्थं वपुरिदं
                       तथाप्येकोsगस्त्य: सकलमपिबद्वारिधिजलम्
                                   क्रियासिद्धि : सत्त्वे वसति महतां नोपकरणे |
So, man instead of wasting time in seeking help from others it is better to put all his efforts to achieve the desired ends. Self help is the best help.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, self help is the best help. .
Thank u. .