- 17
Dr. DurgaprasadaRao
Chilakamarthi 9897959425
Unit I. अपेक्षया = comparatively
While judging or describing something we
compare it with the other. In such cases we normally use the word अपेक्षया in Sanskrit. It
denotes the meaning relatively or comparatively.
1. विन्ध्यपर्वतस्य अपेक्षया हिमालयपर्वत: उन्नत:
The Himalaya Mountain is
comparatively taller than Vindhya Mountain.
2. रामायणस्य अपेक्षया महाभारतं बृहत्
The Mahabharata is larger
than the Ramayana.
3. यमुनानद्या: अपेक्षया गङ्गानदी दीर्घा
river Ganges is comparatively longer than the river Yamuna
4. श्रव्यकाव्यस्य अपेक्षया दृश्यकाव्यं रमणीयतरम्
Drama is comparatively
more aesthetic than kavya (treatise).
5. कार्यकरणस्य अपेक्षया कार्यकारणं कठिनम्
Getting things done by
others is comparatively more difficult, than doing things on their own.
6. मम अपेक्षया मम मित्रं बुद्धिशाली
Comparatively my friend
is more intelligent than I
Unit- II. तुमुन् – in तुमुन् only तुम् remains.
तुमुन् is an infinitive and it denotes the cause or
purpose of action.
For example:
मोहन: पुस्तकं पठितुं ग्रन्थालयं गच्छति
Mohan goes to
the library to read a book.
Here the
purpose of going to the library is explained.
तुमुन् is said in one way asनिमित्तबोधकक्रिया
nimittabodhakakriyaa and is attached to every verbal toot as affix to express
the purpose of that activity.
1. पठति- पठितुम् = to read
मीनाक्षी पुस्तकं पठितुं ग्रन्थालयं गमिष्यति ||
2. लिखति – लेखितुम् = to write
महिला परीक्षां लेखितुं कलाशालां गमिष्यति
3. पिबति – पातुम् =to drink
लता क्षीरं पातुं गृहं गतवती ||
4. खादति –खादितुम् = to eat
बालिका अन्नं खादितुं गृहं गमिष्यति
A girl is going home to
eat food.
5. मिलति – मेलितुम् to meet)
अहं मम मित्रं मेलितुं कार्यालयं गच्छामि
I am going to the office
to meet my friend.
6. भवितुम् = to become
स: वैद्य: भवितुं वैद्यशास्त्रं पठति ||
He is studying medicine
to become a doctor.
7. क्रीडति-क्रीडितुम्=to play
बालक: क्रिकेट क्रीडितुं क्रीडाङ्गणं गतवान् ||
8. त्यजति –त्यक्तुम् = to leave /to give up
देशभक्त: राष्ट्रहिताय स्वप्राणानपि त्यक्तुं संसिद्धो भवति ||
A patriot is ready to
give up his life for the welfare of his country
5. जानाति –ज्ञातुम् = to know
बालक: शब्दस्य अर्थं ज्ञातुं निघण्टुं पठति
A boy is reading
dictionary to know the meaning of a word.
6. करोति –कर्तुम् = to do
माता पाकं कर्तुं पाकशालां गतवती
Mother went to kitchen
to cook food.
7. प्रक्षालयति –प्रक्षालयितुम् = to clean
पिता पादौं प्रक्षालयितुं स्नान गृहं गत्तवान् |
Father went to bathroom
to wash his feet.
8. प्रेषयति –प्रेषयितुम् =to send
सेवक: पत्रं प्रेषयितुं पत्रालयं गच्छति
The servant went to the
post office to send a letter.
9. ददाति –दातुम् = to give
पिता पुत्राय धनं दातुं गृहम् आगच्छति
Father is coming to the house
to give money to his son.
10. शृणोति- श्रोतुम् = to hear / to listen to
माता उपन्यासं श्रोतुं देवालयं गतवती ||
Mother went to temple to
listen to a discourse.
11. करोति---कर्तुम् = to do
ललिता कार्यं कर्तुं गृहं गच्छति |
Lalitha is coming to the
house to do work.
12. ददाति--- दातुम् =to give
माता धनं दातुं भिक्षुकम् आह्वयति |
Mother invites a beggar
to give money.
13. नयति---नेतुम् =to take
बालिका पुस्तकं नेतुं ग्रन्थालयं गतवती ||
A girl went to library
to take a book.
14. नृत्यति---नर्तितुम् = to dance
नर्तकी नर्तितुं देवालयं गमिष्यति ||
A dancer will go to
temple to perform a dance programme.
15. गायति---गातुम् = to sing
मम मित्रं देशभक्तिगीतं गातुं जनानां पुरत: तिष्ठति |
My friend is standing in
front of audience to sing a patriotic song
16. पृच्छति--- प्रष्टुम् = to ask
चात्र: प्रश्नं प्रष्टुम् अध्यापकस्य समीपं गतवान् ||
A student approached
teacher to ask a question.
17. प्रेषयति --- प्रेषयितुम् = to send
18 . मापयति--- मापयितुम् = to measure
मालाकार: मालां मापयितुं मापिकां स्वीकरोति||
A garland maker is
taking a scale to measure the garland
19 . तोलयति--- तोलयितुम् = to weigh
वर्तक: वस्तूनि तोलयितुं तुलाम् आनयति||
The businessman is
taking balance to weigh the commodities.
20 . ज्ञापयति--- ज्ञापयितुम् = to remind
प्रधानाध्यापक: परीक्षायां तिथिं ज्ञापयितुं छात्रान् आह्वयति
The principal is
inviting students to remind/announce the date of the examinations.
21. प्रक्षालयति– प्रक्षालयितुम् = to clean/wash
माता गृहं प्रक्षालयितुं जलं नयति ||
Mother is taking water
to clean the house.
22. पूजयति—पूजयितुम् = to worship
भक्त: देवं पूजयितुं पुष्पाणि क्रीणाति ||
The devotee is
purchasing flowers to worship God.
महिला शिशुन् पोषयितुम् उद्योगं करोति||
A lady is doing job to
feed children.
13 . आनयति--- आनेतुम् (to bring)
माता जलम् आनेतुं नदीतीरं गतवती
Mother went to the
riverbank to bring water.
III. A. किन्तु (but) nevertheless, on the contrary; otherwise,
अहं चलनचित्रं द्रष्टुम् इच्छामि किन्तु मम समपे धनं नास्ति ||
I want to see move but I
have no money.
मम बुभुक्षा अस्ति किन्तु न खादामि ||
I am hungry but I don’t
पुस्तकम् अस्ति किन्तु पठितुं समय: नास्ति ||
There is a book but no
time to read.
B. किल verily, 2. Likely hood; probably, possibly)
3. Conciliatory, 4. Assertion, certainly (indeed,
verily, assuredly
5. False hood. Think
that something true or likely, but lack of proof.
या पाणिनिसूत्राणि संपूर्णतया रटनम् अकरोत् सा
पञ्चवर्षीया बालिका स्यात् किल |
A girl who byhearted the entire sutras of Panini
is supposed to be of five year old.
य: भगवद्गीतास्पर्धायां विश्वविजेता अभतत् स: दशवर्षीय: बालक: किल| A
boy who secured I prize in international competition is supposed to be of ten
year old.
C. निश्चयेन = undoubtedly, decisively, certainly
स: निश्चयेन विजयं प्राप्नोति
He will win certainly.
D. बहुश: probably, many times, in many ways.
मम पुत्र: गृहं आगच्छति बहुश: तस्य विराम: दत्त: भवेत् ||
My son came to see me;
probably holidays
might have been given to
IV-गृहे केषाञ्चन
वस्तूनां नामानि
द्वारम् = door; ताल:= lock; कुञ्चिका =key; वातायनम्=window: कवाटम्=door; शौचालय:= lavatory; स्नानालय:= bathroom; वस्त्रक्षालकम् = washing machine; सोपानानि = steps; कपाटिका= cupboard; वस्तुधानी = alma rah; आसन्द:= chair; उत्पीठिका= table; संगणकयन्त्रम् = computer; दूरवाणी = phone; दूरदर्शिनी= Television; पिञ्ज: = switch; व्यजनम् = fan ; दण्डदीप: = tube light.
वाहनानां नामानि
कार यानम् – मम पिता कारयानेन कार्यालयं अगच्छत् |
father went to the office by car. .
स्कूटरयानम् – अहं स्कूटर् यानेन कळाशालां गच्छामि
go to college by scooter.
विमान यानम्- मुख्यमन्त्री विमान यानेन विदेशं गमिष्यति || इत्यादि
Chief minister will go abroad by flight.
Sanskrit shloka:
आशाया: ये दासाः ते दासा: सर्वलोकस्य
आशा येषां दासी तेषां दासायते लोक ||
Those who are subordinates (slaves) of desire are
subordinates to the entire world. But, for whom the desire becomes subordinate (slave)
the entire world becomes subordinate to