Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Dr. Durga Prasada Rao Chilakamarthi

Lesson-1 /Unit-2
n      स: ( saha)--- सा  (saa) --- तत् (tat)
n      क: (kaha)--- का( kaa)---किम् ?(kim?)
n      : ( saha) he/that
n       सा  (saa) she/that
n       तत् (tat) it/that
n      ****************************
n      Note:
n      In Sanskrit, gender depends upon the nature of the word, but not the meaning.
n      For example: the word vRiksha(वृक्ष) which denotes a tree is in Masculine gender.
n      The three words daaraah (दारा:), bhaarya (भार्या) and kalatram (कलत्रम्) used in the same meaning (wife) are in three genders masculine, feminine and neuter respectively.
n      The most peculiar thing is that the word darah (दारा:) is always in plural however a person has only one wife.
n      Some words like Tata (तट) is in three genders as (तट:)tata: (तटी)tatii (तटम्)tatam

n      :?  (kaha)= who
n       का ? ( kaa)= who
n      किम्? (kim?)= what
n      : ( saha)   : (kaha)?= Who is he?
n      सा  (saa)    का( kaa) ? Who is she?
n      तत् (tat)    किम् ?(kim?) What is that?
n      :  --- सा --- तत्
n      :? --- का ?---किम् ?

n      Translate the sentences in to Sanskrit
n      1. Who is that boy?
n      2. Who is this girl?
n      3. What it this?
n      4. Who is this boy?
n      5. Who is that girl?
n      6. What is that?

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