Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Reason Vs Faith -1 (Dr..Y.V. Rao)

Reason Vs Faith -1
                                                                       Dr. Yerneni Venkateswara Rao
M.Sc., Ph. D
Retired Principal
Akkineni Nageswara Rao College
Rational analysis is long on hindsight and short on foresight. But because of its evident successes in explaining the past and clarifying the known through post facto analysis, its victories in explaining the future and illumining the unknown are taken for granted. People often forget that what rational thinking does is, it opens up the flood gates of future possibilities of which one materializes, but which one, none knows, until after the event. Mistaking this surfeit of information for knowledge, they tend to assume that thye have become wiser through rational approach, when, in fact, they have merely moved from one level of ignorance to another, and a more confusing one at that. Its  soft underbelly being thus overlooked/covered up , it marches on triumphantly, gathering newer adherents by the hour citing the marvels of science and technology as proof positive of its omnipotence and appears to bring into its embrace life itself making us forget for a moment that life is the greatest mystery transcending not only rationality but all known forms of cognition put together, thus giving rise to the emergence of pseudo messiahs and false prophets of this ism and that ideology—failed Gods all.
Ironically astrology , decried as superstition, branded as a lot of baloney, pooh-poohed as hocus pocus, and dismissed as so much hot air by the rationalists derives its credentials more or less on/from the same or similar grounds as rationality but based on cleverly fabricated facts and prognostications in the garb of the results of a pseudo scientific analysis, and victoriously marches ahead on a parallel course laying claim to the secrets of life and luring ever more hordes/herds of people into its fold.
  The astrologers, of course , return the compliment in no less a vitriolic and vituperative language, and that too in a tone of matching rancour and recrimination so the conflict and confrontation between the two go on unabated.
  The conflict owes its origin to the contrasting nature of their basic premises and their methods and purposes. While one is a system of belief based on the power of human intellect , the other reposes its faith in the influence of the movements and relative combinations of celestial bodies on human and worldly affairs.
  The confrontation becomes all the more transparent when we examine their modi operandi and their ends also in some detail. Rationalists mostly rely on rationality’s inherent but self evident strength or power of explaining brilliantly certain aspects of reality in the light of reason and not authority to score points in the domain of its validity where it is the supreme monarch where as astrologers depend for astrology’s validation and (their) survival on the credulity of the untutored minds fired up by a burning desire to have a peep into their future in the hope of finding some quick fix solutions to present problems and short cuts to future successes  and their own inexhaustible inventiveness and incredible resourcefulness to come out winners even in the most trying circumstances , rather than any inherent strength of their ‘discipline’.
  Taking the second of this sparring duo first for consideration, one of the tricks of the trade routinely played by the astrologers is the subterfuge of cleverly reconstructing past events from bits and pieces of information unconsciously furnished , of course, under their subtle psychological prodding, by their credulous clients and then presenting the accounts so fabricated with a flourish as proof of astrology’s supernatural powers, thereby fortifying its credibility further. Having thus posited it on a seemingly unassailable foundation, they start spewing out predictions cloaked in a lot of obscurity and haziness by meticulously melding their clients’ hopes for and fears about the future in the crucible of their own fertile imagination and abundant common sense. That they are no more than what their clients want to hear most about themselves and their future is another matter.
  All this becomes clear as day when one remembers the type of people seeking their services and considers the psychological state of their minds; it is mostly those that are victims of unforeseen calamities or a rash of unnerving adversities or a run of bad luck with no apparent sin or wrong to account fro their predicament or those others that have struck gold or found themselves on cloud nine when they least expected it and had no known merit to deserve the windfall, that make a beeline for the astrologers, the former with worries and despair writ large on their faces and anxious to learn whether and how soon it all will go away , and the latter in a state of jubilance and with great expectations about more of the same and eager to know how long will this lucky streak last and how to turn it into a permanent feature of their lives.
  Another cunning device often taken recourse to in astrology to ensure its infallibility is to couch its predictions not in clear and precise language but in such omnibus words, ambiguous terms , catch-all-phrases and equivocal expressions as are capable of yielding any meaning that one wants to read into them to fit the facts of any subsequent actual occurrence. Like ‘The Seven Layers of Ambiguity’, there can be innumerable connotations to each such prediction wrapped as it is in vague generalizations and hidden contradictions for, it should readily lend itself to diverse interpretations so much so that people see in it what they are looking for. They thus ensure that their cryptic please-all prognostications seldom fail to satisfy their clients. And in the last resort like Mr Humpty Dumpty in Alice in Wonderland, may even make words mean pretty much what they choose them to mean.
  If everything fails to prop up the collapsing superstructure they have so assiduously built, they fall back on the age old refrain that “the stars only impel, they do not compel” implying that cosmic influences can be overcome by one’s free will—a simple confession that astrology is a ‘science’ which holds up when the astrologers deem it convenient.
  Either alone or a combination of some or all of them together can be counted on to work wonders anywhere in the world, and more so in societies like ours with unconscionably high expectations and abysmally low performance and achievement.
  Finally, a word or two about astrology’s fundamental basis will be in order here. Of the nine astrological planets, moon is a satellite of the earth and the sun , the star around which the nine genuine planets revolve in well defined orbits instead of it being a planet going round the earth while Rahu and Kethu are mere shadows, rather than real planets, and the planets Uranus , Neptune and Pluto do not figure anywhere in astrological calculations; the zodiac and the 12 constellations Aries though Pisces are but figments of human imagination. And the belief that the natal positions and combinations of ‘these planets’ with reference to ‘this stellar screen’ as they appear to creep across it tells all about the child’s future is the basic premise on which astrology is founded. How can such a mishmash/melange of fact and fiction , lies and half truths ever yield anything meaningful about the affairs of man and/or the world? Nothing at all as any sound mind would say, not out of levity but in all seriousness. To view otherwise is wishful thinking, pure and simple, avers the realist. And rightly so.
( to be continued )

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