Monday, October 31, 2022









भविष्यत्काल:  = Future Tense

Future means the time that is still to come. The activities or happenings in the future are expressed through the forms of future tense. This tense is used for an indefinite future arrangement. The time is usually in the future.  


(स:/सा) पठिष्यति -    ( तौ /ते) पठिष्यत: -   (ते/ता:) पठिष्यन्ति

(त्वम्) पठिष्यसि -   (युवाम् ) पठिष्यथ: - (यूयम् ) पठिष्यथ

(अहम्) पठिष्यामि(आवाम्) पठिष्याव:   - (वयम्) पठिष्याम:


    भविष्यत्काल: <> Future Tense III person singular, dual and plural

(स: / सा )  पठिष्यति = He /she will read     

(तौ / ते) पठिष्यत: = They two will read 

(ते/ता: )   पठिष्यन्ति= They all will read


भविष्यत्काल: <> Future Tense II person singular, dual and plural

(त्वम्)    पठिष्यसि= You will read

(युवाम् ) पठिष्यथ:= You two will read

(यूयम् )  पठिष्यथ= You all will read


भविष्यत्काल:  <> Future Tense I person singular-dual and plural


    (अहम्) पठिष्यामि= I will read 

   (आवाम्) पठिष्याव:= We two will read

( वयम्)   पठिष्याम: = We all will read.




Singular number                                         plural number        


      स:/सा                                                        ते / ता:

     बालक:                                                       बालका:

    बालिका                                                        बालिका:

    भवान्                                                          भवन्त:

    भवती                                                             भवत्य: 

      /|\                                                                        /|\


1.पठिष्यति    (will read)                           पठिष्यन्ति (will read)

2.लेखिष्यति    (will write )                         लेखिष्यन्ति ( will write)

3.क्रीडिष्यति (will play)                             क्रीडिष्यन्ति (will play)

4. द्रक्ष्यति    (will see)                           द्रक्ष्यन्ति (will see)

5. दर्शयिष्यति  (will show)                    दर्शयिष्यन्ति (will show) 

6. वदिष्यति     (will tell)                         वदिष्यन्ति (will tell)

7. गमिष्यति      (will go)                        गमिष्यन्ति (will go)

8. पास्यति       (will drink )                         पास्यन्ति 

9. पाययिष्यति (make to drink)               पाययिष्यन्ति (make to drink)

10. नर्तिष्यति  (will dance )                     नर्तिष्यन्ति( will dance)

11. गास्यति (will sing)                           गास्यन्ति(will sing)

12. प्रक्ष्यति   (will ask)                            प्रक्ष्यन्ति(will ask)

13. नेष्यति     (will take away )          नेष्यन्ति(will takeaway)

14. आनेष्यति    (will bring )            आनेष्यन्ति( will bring)

 15. पोषयिष्यति   (feed )               पोषयिष्यन्ति(will feed)

`16. मापयिष्यति                                  मापयिष्यन्ति 

(will measure) (with a scale)            ( will measure) (with a scale}

17. तोलयिष्यति  (will weigh)                   तोलयिष्यन्ति(will weigh) 

18. ज्ञापयिष्यति (will remind)                  ज्ञापयिष्यन्ति (will remind) 

19. प्रक्षालयिष्यति  ( will clean)                   प्रक्षालयिष्यन्ति ( will clean) 

20. करिष्यति         (will do)                                 करिष्यन्ति (will do)  

21.  दास्यति            (will give)                                 दास्यन्ति (will give) 

22. पूजयिष्यति-     (will worship)                      पूजयिष्यन्ति (will worship)


 Translate the sentences into Sanskrit.

1. A boy will read a book 

2. Girls will write a letter 

3.I will bring books.

4. My mother will go to temple and worship the God.books

5. We will go to the library and bring books. 

6. They will go home and drink axwtrrz xsw0071milk

7. we will eat food 

8. Teacher will take the books to library.

9. My father will come to my school. 

10. I shall go home and drink milk.



Unit – 2               = This is a word used in the sense in addition to/ and /also/ moreover/ for/but etc.,  


      राम: वनं गतवान्  सीता  गतवती || Rama went to forest . Sita also went.

      स: संस्कृतं न केवलं वदति लिखति  =  He not only speaks Sanskrit , but also  writes. 

   स: न केवलं पठति किन्तु पाठयति   = He not only reads but also teaches. 

सा  क्षीरं तक्रं च विक्रीणाति = she sells milk and butter milk also.


      Unit-3                                   संबोधनम् (Vocative case)


     Normally we will have to address others. Then we follow the method as indicated below.

      पुत्र:------------हे पुत्र !      हेपुत्रौ!               हे पुत्रा:

      कवि:----------हे कवे!       हे कवी             हे कवय:

      भानु: ----------हे भानो    हे भानू                हे  भानव:

      महिला ------हे महिले    हे महिले              हे महिला :

      पुत्री---     हे  पुत्रि !    हे पुत्र्यौ:              हे पुत्र्य:

      मित्रम् --- हे मित्र ! -- हे मित्रे --     हे मित्राणि


 The word मित्र is in different genders with different meanings. मित्रम् means friend while मित्र: means the Sun.

.We can add  भो, अयि, हे before the names while addressing them. For example: -

    भो पुत्र---अयि पुत्र  etc.


      Unit-4            अत:  = for that reason /as / because / that is why/so/ so that


मम बुभुक्षा नास्ति  अत: अन्नं न खादामि =  I don’t take food as I am not hungry.

दीप : नास्ति अत: स: न पठति =There is no light that is  why he is not reading.

द्य कळाशालाया: विराम: अत: सा चलनचित्रं पश्यति = There is holiday for college so she is  viewing cinema.


                         SANSKRIT SLOKA: – 10.

नाsमुत्र  सहायार्थं

पिता माता  तिष्ठत:

 पुत्रदारं  ज्ञाति:

धर्मस्तिष्ठति केवल: ( Manu )

मुत्र = in the other world   सहायार्थं=for giving help पिता = father  and  माता mother   त्तिष्ठत: = do not stand  पुत्रदारं neither children nor wife   ज्ञाति: neither brothers nor  kith  and kin केवल: धर्म: dharma alone तिष्ठति=stands (comes to our rescue)

 In the other world, neither father nor mother nor children nor wife nor brothers stand there to help us. Dharma alone follows us to protect. We are responsible for our own deeds.




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